
Visiting the semi-active knee robot in the operating room

Have you ever wanted to know how a robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery works? Our students were allowed to enter the operating room at the Orthopedic University Hospital Magdeburg.

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Sawbone-Workshop - Hands-on experiences using surgical orthopedic instruments

Students of the interdisciplinary master’s program Biomechanical Engineering, which started in the winter semester 2022/23, had the unique opportunity to participate in a practical medical training for the implantation of a knee endoprosthesis led by Mr. Sascha Ruhland from Mathys AG. .

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Cochlea Implants - Hearing again with the help of modern medicine

Whether seeing, hearing, tasting or touching - we use our senses to perceive impressions and stimuli from the environment. For this perception, we depend on the help of certain sensory organs. Sensory disorders are not only a problem with increasing age, but can already affect children. Thanks to modern medicine, there are nowadays good therapy options for patients.

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Welcome to BiME!

With the launch of the new Master's program Biomechancial Engineering, we welcome our new students to start their studies this winter semester 2022/23. 

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