
First BiME graduate - Congratulations!

10.09.2024 -

On 10.09.2024 the first student successfully completed the BiME program with the oral defense of her master thesis! Rebecca completed her thesis on the topic “Evaluation of mechanisms of action to inhibit biofilm formation for the purpose of PJI prophylaxis in the artificial joint” in an interdisciplinary co-supervision by Experimental Orthopaedics (KORT) and Materials Engineering (IWF).
Congratulations on a great academic result and good luck for the future!


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Student workshop of the FMB

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Interview with BiME students

'uni:magazin: Study + Teaching | Interview with BiME students: Rebecca and Faisal talked to “`uni:magazin” about their motivation for choosing the master programme and about the first semester.

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A look behind the laboratory doors of dental technology

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Biomechanics meets orthopaedics

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Artifical heartbeats – technical gold standard in cardiac surgery

What to do when the heart weakens? This question was answered by cardiac surgeon Dr. med. Max Wacker in his guest lecture on cardiac implants.

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Last Modification: 12.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster